Meet the team

Tinderwood Trust is led and managed by a board of Trustees and Forest School Leaders with a wide range of skills and experience in Early Years learning, play, parenting, design, training and consultancy.

If you would like to investigate becoming a trustee please click here to find out more.

Katherine Banks leader

has added onto her Qualified Teacher Status with her Forest School Leaders Level 3 award. read more

Danni Lovett leader

is new to our team, briming with eneregy and creativity, while parenting 2 small beings. read more

Anwen Jones trustee

is a specialist advisory teacher and outdoor learning enthusiast, formerly Head of the Disability Advisory Service at the University of Oxford. read more

Emily Jones leader

co-founded Tinderwood Trust in 2006, Teacher and Landscape Architect. read more

Andy Mcfie trustee

As a keen runner and cyclist Andy joined us as a school sessional volunteer and just couldn't bear to leave read more

As our charity expands we are increasingly looking to employ suitably qualified and experienced freelance professionals to deliver our growing range of services in the outdoors.

We welcome volunteers to work alongside our professional practitioners and often support forest school trainees with opportunities to develop and extend their practice and range of experience. If you are interested in working or volunteering with us please get in touch.